Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about our academic writing services and we’ve answered them for your convenience. However, if you have any other concerns or queries, feel to reach out to us via our contact form or live chat, or call at (848) 243-4302!
We follow the below-mentioned standards of quality:
Please fill out our online form to hire our services. To see our current pricing, fill out the essential fields, such as the type of service you require, your subject and others, and click "Get Quote." You will be allowed to adjust your choices to receive the best pricing. Select the quality standard and pricing that you want to move forward with. Please keep in mind that we may be unable to offer you an accurate quote right away.
After the package selection, you will be asked to enter further specifications and pick other choices such as the date of submission, revision period and the system the writers are required to follow for referencing/bibliography. You will also be able to add more sections to your order by clicking the "other details" option at the bottom, such as an abstract, computations, data, appendices and more. Once you have completed all the fields, submit the form and you will be redirected to the online payment portal, where you may make the payment using a credit or debit card, PayPal, or online banking.
After we've received your payment, your assigned writer will begin working on your project, and your finished paper will be emailed to you within the specified deadline.
Our professional writers constitute an excellent team capable of handling a wide range of subjects at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels. We are proud to say that we have subject specialists in all the disciplines, so you can make your purchase resting assured that we will handpick the most qualified writer for your project.
We cover a wide range of subjects, including Nursing, Media & Communication, Accounting, Education, Linguistics, Management, Business, Law, Economics, Marketing, Geography, Law, IT, Psychology, Architecture, Business, History, Hospitality & Tourism, and many more!
To ensure the highest levels of client satisfaction, we offer unlimited free revisions on the work up to 10 days after the submission. For complete dissertation orders, however, we offer a 7-days amendment period after submission of the first half of the dissertation and another 14 days after receipt of the complete paper.
Yes, we ensure the complete confidentiality of our clients and writers for all services. We never reveal any data or information about you or your order to another party. We are very serious about our clients' privacy and security, and make sure your information is kept completely secret even after the service has been completed.